Thursday, January 21, 2010

Slavi Lesson 1/19/10 Waltz

Same stuff as before: stay under and from the legs (no push upper body) first step, don't rotate after natural turn etc. Faster transitions->promenade after turning lock, weight over leg more (stretching leg back to get into the side lock in fact while weight still over left leg).

Same foot lunge--drop way more.

After promenade (after throwaway oversway), the chasse--strong cbmp.

Seems if I just concentrate on stretching side-to-side, and think of hug/carrying the girl (vasyl-ish) and also focus on strong settling into contra body, it achieves the look he wants.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1/19 Slavi Waltz - How not to break the frame

The main concept is to do the right action in the base (feet/legs/hips/core) and that will help keeping the frame more constant.

Also do "less" to achieve "more": For example Thomas should do less rotation and shaping on the natural turn, this way he gives me better connection and direction and the result is much cleaner, more mature.

Natural turn
Thomas should avoid too much rotation before the prep step. Should not "attack" with the upper body, instead lead softly by placing the hips slightly under. Do not overshape on 3: Allow the lady to shape but do not shape yourself and do not "make" the lady shape.
Cecile: Just be along for the ride. Between 1 and 2, open the hips to let the man go.

Man: Do not lead with the head into the pivots, which disturbs the frame. Instead simply bring weight to the left foot.

Turning lock
Cecile: On three (before the step), weight should be on right foot and place the hips softly under and keep under during the lock. Then Do not go to promenade too fast. Continue going across/around and stretch left side. Head turns last, only when man starts to transfer weight forward.
Thomas: Should rotate body more to the right into the promenade

Reverse Wave
On two, lady should be under the man, man should bring hips back to be over. Should not rotate too early into the lock step.

Man should slide under

Same foot lunge
Should not rotate too much (go down into the leg instead of rotating)

Reverse Check
Cecile: Work on core/internalization. Stretch from sternum up without releasing stomach forward. Use the forward movement to start momentum for the pivots.

Run (before the double lock)
Cecile: On two, think about rising and lifting the butt to get out of the right foot properly

Promenade and lock before right lunge: Thomas should stretch "forward and up"

Right lunge and coming out of right lunge: think of internalizing and use core

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Slavi Waltz/Viennese Waltz - Cecile


Use breathing to help the concept of weight.
- When up and stretching: Inhale
- When going down: Exhale (start exhaling a little before going down to initiate the movement)

On the natural turn: Man should release the hip forward when the foot passes on 1, and go "underneath" the lady

Same foot lunge: Exhale and take your time, then go faster on the next part.

Back Check: Leave the right foot back. First internalize/suck stomach in, before releasing to stretch and create the line of the back check. Then roll onto the ball of the foot to go into the pivots.

Double lock: On the second lock, man should create the shape by leading with the hips. Also turn head towards the lady. Man shouldn't turn more to the left on the second lock to face the line of dance, but on the contrary more to the right facing the wall.

Tumble turn: Review man's footwork (should step forward instead of lock back). Lady: Left foot forward, then right foot forward: turn to the left but only with the hips and continue this rotation when stepping back with left foot. Should have the feeling to be quite forward and rolling on top of the man.

Throwaway oversway: Do not pick up the left foot. In order to do that: When the weight is on the left foot before the TO, really plant the weight and rotate almost completely the upper body (shoulders) to close. Then step with the right foot and plant the weight again. THe left foot should simply follow while staying on the floor.

Ronde: Exhale while going down + there was something Thomas did that made it really easy to walk around at the end. (?)

Viennese Waltz

Natural turn: On the forward part, start with torso rotated diagonal center, then while lowering rotate the torso until it faces straight line of dance (this is more rotation that I would usually do) and finish about diagonal to the wall. Do the pendulum with the left arm to help find the right action. "Pick up the apple" at the end.

Reverse turn: On the backward step on 1, resist the temptation to turn, stay very much to the left and don't turn in front of the man until the next step. Normally this should be led by the man and the lady shouldn;t worry about anything.

Change step: Preference seems to be to change forward after natural turn, and backward after reverse. THe lady shouldn't even be aware that a change is happening, it should flow naturally.

There shouldn't be any "jumping", because there shouldn't be any turning. If you eliminate the turning, the jumping goes away.


Stretch inside shoulder/pectoral muscle (hold on to pillar and stretch arm back, shoulder down).

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Slavi Lesson 01/05/10 Waltz + VW


Beginning, *heel* lead out of prep step, and then just take longer (thinking hip forward to stay under)
Sway->oversway->same foot (this part as usual just want to stay there longer...yes does mean need to speed up the next part)
The check, rise on your right leg, and then take hip back to take left leg back, the settle and rotate on it.
Double lock--second one use hips much more.
Tumble turn, cross forward and then rise a lil more instead of using hands to turn girl.
Chasse into right lunge--shape has been wrong, don't take girl to your left side but keep to right side through out.
The rudolph/ronde, breathe as you do the *drop* part

On the reverse turns, so just mindful of not rotating too soon, keep right shoulder stretched and way back (the holding on to a pillar and stretch thing)
On natural turns, sink much more into the left leg before going. Also notice even though step is side ways, unlike reverse turns don't try to keep left hand back.