Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26, 09 Slavi Lesson & Grovers Workshop



prep before (like what slavi said about waltz), i.e. get foot ready to step on 4&
usage of body weight for movement,

Weight should be entirely on right at the end
Only right foot should be outside partner--shouldn't see my belt

Reverse Turn
Just walk
remember the shape (right side up after)

Feather finish
toe flat - toe, let lady go first (similar to slavi lesson)
again finish on entirely right foot, press down and let the weight be on it

slavi lesson

stay up more on the chasse to the right ending, keep moving don't drop

the "almost" check stay down more, slow, q - q sloooow, q q

cecile has a new head thing for throwaway oversway

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