Friday, June 25, 2010

6/23 Waltz with Slavi (Cecile)

How to achieve more space in the frame and more space to move
In the prep step, feet should be LOD. Then there is a natural separation in the frame (not square anymore but more like a diagonal). Then when stepping back, step across yourself. Always keep this shape:
- Before the natural turn, stay left as much as possible. This way you can stay in the arm. Don't try to turn
- In the pivots, go diagonal instead of trying to go forward and around. By going diagonal you can do half the turn and let the other one do the other half. Go past each other not at each other.
- In the turning lock also don't try to go around at all, stay in the arm and back left.

Dance the promenade as if the head was still to the left, i.e nothing else than the head should move, in particular the shoulder line should be the same and not drop to the right

Running weave and lock
Think about the arm swinging to know which hip to "hide".
In the next step: Think about the standing leg and not about sending the free leg. Don't "spread" the legs: always think about keeping thighs together at the start and don't anticipate turns, to the left or to the right.

Double reverse overspin
Remember the correct technique

First when you go to the right don't do it from the head or from the top but from the hips. Put left foot back from the start and then pivot on right foot. Left foot ends up in the back on the other side. Then think of the hips rising as the source of the developpe.

Left hand
Should not be gripping the arm in the back (a la Jonathan Wilkins), should not be broken (a la Stanley McCalla) but should be a straight line and never move.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

5/1 Personal training with Simone #1

20 minutes on the treadmill
Warm up by increasing regularly the walking and then running speed for about 3/4 minutes
Then alternate:
- 2 minutes run (start running at 6 and increase every 20 seconds by 0.1 until reach 6.5, or start 6.5 and increase to 7)
- 2 minutes rest (walk at 3.5 at 9 incline)
- if it is necessary towards the end of the 20 minutes, add 30 seconds of full rest (3.5, 0 incline) for heart rate to go down - normally it should not be necessary

Core strengthening exercises
Facing the mirror do 15 squats (front) on each side. Then do 15 squats (side) on each side (feet parallel, don't let butt stick out too much). Be careful to keep the weight on the heel and not do a double on the side ones.
Then lift 8 pounds in each arm 15 times. Elbows in, arms flexing forward.
Then do a plank with arms on an elevated platform and lift right leg 15 times, then lift left leg 15 times.
Repeat: 10 times alternating front/side squat, on each side, then lift weight 15 times, then plank exercise.

It is important to exhale when the effort occurs. The exercise should follow the rythm of the breathing, not the other way around (i.e. try to breathe normally).

Then on the mat:
Do 20 sit ups
Do 10 push ups
Do 15 "diagonal" abs on each side

Stretching at the end
Stretch each muscle group that was worked on (legs and arms). Stay 30 seconds into each stretch and try to go deeper into the stretch during that time.

4/27 Foxtrot with Slavi (Cecile)

Connect with left arm on the left and right arm straight forward. Then always keep the right arm forward: This way the shoulder line won't break (it breaks if you let the right arm come to the right and back instead of keeping it forward).

This should also help a better connection right-side to right-side.
Don't anticipate the turns (especially right turn going forward and left turn going back, but valid for any turn). This should help the balance as well and the connection.

Don't throw the legs back (for example in Feather step)., but first go down deeper into the leg and then the extension of the leg backward should come from moving the weight of the couple together. Better connection and feeling of moving the weight together. Need to go into the standing leg more and follow in an active way.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Things to work on

- Right arm forward
- Never touch with left side of body (promenade and other steps)
- Stay left
- Hips don't move (don't open hips after right lunge when turning head)
- Hand touch
- Japanese bow
- Stretch left
- Stick butt out
- Quickstep: Bounce

- R shoulder back , L shoulder forward

- Over/Under (W, F, Q, VW)
- Drive when moving forward in VW

- Ronde (W, F)
- Reverse Wave in Waltz
- Fleckerl

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2/2 Slavi Lesson Foxtrot

General concept: When going back, use butt to create power, really use hip joints and knees and stick butt out (Maja: the lady moves the man around). On each step, use one cheek to create power, then other cheek etc.

First feather: On 2, take right hip way up and back.

On Feather Finish: Same thing, and stay there but provide right away the power to go back.

On Three Step, there is a release where the hips are allowed to move forward and there is a shape, then go immediately back with butt.

On Curved Feather and Outside Spin: Keep shoulders level and above the hips and don't bend to the left. There is more turn in the shoulders on the curved feather. Then on Outside Spin just release the power accumulated and go up with hips forward and shape. Do not turn, let the man turn.

On the Ronde: Do the Ronde and put right foot back, but do not untwist too early

In the reverse turn before Back Check: Go back with left foot, put man in neutral position, then continue to rotate and turn the head to the right (don't turn too late). Then on the Check release the hips forward. Immediately go back with the hips for the Three Fallaways.

Thomas: Should trust me and not overpower me otherwise I won't be able to create the power. On the other hand if I don't create enough power he is likely to take over so don't let him do that!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Slavi Lesson 1/19/10 Waltz

Same stuff as before: stay under and from the legs (no push upper body) first step, don't rotate after natural turn etc. Faster transitions->promenade after turning lock, weight over leg more (stretching leg back to get into the side lock in fact while weight still over left leg).

Same foot lunge--drop way more.

After promenade (after throwaway oversway), the chasse--strong cbmp.

Seems if I just concentrate on stretching side-to-side, and think of hug/carrying the girl (vasyl-ish) and also focus on strong settling into contra body, it achieves the look he wants.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1/19 Slavi Waltz - How not to break the frame

The main concept is to do the right action in the base (feet/legs/hips/core) and that will help keeping the frame more constant.

Also do "less" to achieve "more": For example Thomas should do less rotation and shaping on the natural turn, this way he gives me better connection and direction and the result is much cleaner, more mature.

Natural turn
Thomas should avoid too much rotation before the prep step. Should not "attack" with the upper body, instead lead softly by placing the hips slightly under. Do not overshape on 3: Allow the lady to shape but do not shape yourself and do not "make" the lady shape.
Cecile: Just be along for the ride. Between 1 and 2, open the hips to let the man go.

Man: Do not lead with the head into the pivots, which disturbs the frame. Instead simply bring weight to the left foot.

Turning lock
Cecile: On three (before the step), weight should be on right foot and place the hips softly under and keep under during the lock. Then Do not go to promenade too fast. Continue going across/around and stretch left side. Head turns last, only when man starts to transfer weight forward.
Thomas: Should rotate body more to the right into the promenade

Reverse Wave
On two, lady should be under the man, man should bring hips back to be over. Should not rotate too early into the lock step.

Man should slide under

Same foot lunge
Should not rotate too much (go down into the leg instead of rotating)

Reverse Check
Cecile: Work on core/internalization. Stretch from sternum up without releasing stomach forward. Use the forward movement to start momentum for the pivots.

Run (before the double lock)
Cecile: On two, think about rising and lifting the butt to get out of the right foot properly

Promenade and lock before right lunge: Thomas should stretch "forward and up"

Right lunge and coming out of right lunge: think of internalizing and use core