Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1/19 Slavi Waltz - How not to break the frame

The main concept is to do the right action in the base (feet/legs/hips/core) and that will help keeping the frame more constant.

Also do "less" to achieve "more": For example Thomas should do less rotation and shaping on the natural turn, this way he gives me better connection and direction and the result is much cleaner, more mature.

Natural turn
Thomas should avoid too much rotation before the prep step. Should not "attack" with the upper body, instead lead softly by placing the hips slightly under. Do not overshape on 3: Allow the lady to shape but do not shape yourself and do not "make" the lady shape.
Cecile: Just be along for the ride. Between 1 and 2, open the hips to let the man go.

Man: Do not lead with the head into the pivots, which disturbs the frame. Instead simply bring weight to the left foot.

Turning lock
Cecile: On three (before the step), weight should be on right foot and place the hips softly under and keep under during the lock. Then Do not go to promenade too fast. Continue going across/around and stretch left side. Head turns last, only when man starts to transfer weight forward.
Thomas: Should rotate body more to the right into the promenade

Reverse Wave
On two, lady should be under the man, man should bring hips back to be over. Should not rotate too early into the lock step.

Man should slide under

Same foot lunge
Should not rotate too much (go down into the leg instead of rotating)

Reverse Check
Cecile: Work on core/internalization. Stretch from sternum up without releasing stomach forward. Use the forward movement to start momentum for the pivots.

Run (before the double lock)
Cecile: On two, think about rising and lifting the butt to get out of the right foot properly

Promenade and lock before right lunge: Thomas should stretch "forward and up"

Right lunge and coming out of right lunge: think of internalizing and use core

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