Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Slavi Lesson 01/05/10 Waltz + VW


Beginning, *heel* lead out of prep step, and then just take longer (thinking hip forward to stay under)
Sway->oversway->same foot (this part as usual just want to stay there longer...yes does mean need to speed up the next part)
The check, rise on your right leg, and then take hip back to take left leg back, the settle and rotate on it.
Double lock--second one use hips much more.
Tumble turn, cross forward and then rise a lil more instead of using hands to turn girl.
Chasse into right lunge--shape has been wrong, don't take girl to your left side but keep to right side through out.
The rudolph/ronde, breathe as you do the *drop* part

On the reverse turns, so just mindful of not rotating too soon, keep right shoulder stretched and way back (the holding on to a pillar and stretch thing)
On natural turns, sink much more into the left leg before going. Also notice even though step is side ways, unlike reverse turns don't try to keep left hand back.

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