Sunday, May 2, 2010

4/27 Foxtrot with Slavi (Cecile)

Connect with left arm on the left and right arm straight forward. Then always keep the right arm forward: This way the shoulder line won't break (it breaks if you let the right arm come to the right and back instead of keeping it forward).

This should also help a better connection right-side to right-side.
Don't anticipate the turns (especially right turn going forward and left turn going back, but valid for any turn). This should help the balance as well and the connection.

Don't throw the legs back (for example in Feather step)., but first go down deeper into the leg and then the extension of the leg backward should come from moving the weight of the couple together. Better connection and feeling of moving the weight together. Need to go into the standing leg more and follow in an active way.

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