Thursday, August 13, 2009

Slavi lesson 8/12 waltz & tango

Just pivots

He wanted head over spine more and not as much excessive shape (more straight)
I just tried to look up (e.g. a la vlad shahov) and he thought it looked that's a way to accomplish what he wants...

- still maintain the shape first step, as suspected (no rotation right away), though after slightly different, do not move left foot so much backward, but rather just place it so next step can drive off.

Head of spine thing again on contracheck--just connect your head to your right leg, even though always try to keep head over left

Turning lock--really shape the head to right (kind of like giampero's rule...left forward, back right)

Hold--much more bent
Spanish Drag--pull first (i.e. with body separation while leaving hands, not excessive though), then come back

Cecile--don't move legs as high/much, but place it strongly right leg behind left leg (almost fleckrel ish). Also changed the head lead (I'll actively lead it now)

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